Version 4.6.0


  • Redirects Integration with Broken Link Checker – If you’re using both AIOSEO Redirects and BLC, you can now easily add redirects for any of your (broken) links inside the links report.


  • Compatibility with Broken Link Checker 1.2.0 and AIOSEO Redirects 1.3.9.


  • Localized a number of strings that previously could not correctly be translated.



  • Compatibility fixes for WordPress 6.5.



  • PHP error sometimes thrown on multisites because SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE constant not set due to loading WordPress pluggables too soon.
  • PHP error sometimes thrown in update migration due to invalid old options data.

Version 4.5.9


  • Various improvements and behind-the-scenes bug fixes for the SEO Analyzer to increase result accuracy.
  • Added a filter to skip logging for redirects and 404 URLs.
  • Deprecated the No Pagination for Canonical URLs setting for new users.


  • Product schema is now correctly output again for virtual, downloadable and free WooCommerce products.
  • Unspecified type for organization image causing an error in schema validation tools.
  • `max-video-preview` robots meta value not output when set to 0.
  • Search Statistics is now able to find the correct matching post when permalink has no trailing slash.
  • Avada builder styles no longer leak into Author SEO (E-E-A-T) blocks.
  • SeedProd builder styles no longer leak into AIOSEO Metabox.
  • Canonical URL no longer strip the “/amp” slug when the page is not a valid AMP page.
  • PHP error when WPBakery plugin is not activated.
  • PHP error when the `wp_get_current_user` function is not declared yet in rare cases.
  • PHP error caused by the capability variable being an array instead of a string in rare cases.
  • PHP warnings for object properties in Image SEO addon.
  • Redirects CSV Import was not showing some URLs that failed to import.

Version 4.5.8


  • Query Arg Monitor – Monitor the query args that are used on your site and block them. This prevents search engines from crawling every variation of your pages with unrecognized query arguments and helps save crawl quota.


  • Compatibility with new ACF image data format.


  • TruSEO sometimes freezes when used with particular languages.



  • Setup Wizard no longer freezes in Lite when the sitemap feature is selected for activation.



  • Fixed: Adding a Focus Keyphrase in TruSEO sometimes fails when user is using a language that is not officially supported.



  • Plugin conflict with WPBakery page builder when a post was previously edited with WPBakery and the page builder is then deactivated.
  • SEO Preview no longer triggers a 404 request when fetching the schema output for the preview in Lite.

Version 4.5.7


  • Added a new Featured Image tag for the RSS feed settings.
  • Improved TruSEO Highlighter support for the Classic Editor.


  • Author sitemap would sometimes not load correctly for multisites due to incorrect users table name.
  • Default priority for terms of a given taxonomy not correctly reflected in the sitemap.
  • XML sitemap header no longer includes query args.
  • %currentyear% smart tag is now correctly imported from Rank Math into AIOSEO.
  • Search Statistics link to check Index Status in Google Search Console now considers subfolder WordPress installs.
  • Error in Link Assistant when site has no posts at all.
  • Deleting a redirect now correctly closes the editor.
  • Redirects table header no longer renders line breaks when used on small screens.
  • Redirect testing of a pass-through redirect now works as expected.
  • Redirects are no longer triggered when WP CLI is running.
  • Conflict with Simple Link Directory plugin where AIOSEO modals are opened on post/term edit.
  • Flyout menu box shadows and icons not rendered correctly in Safari.
  • Revision count for new, unpublished posts is no longer incorrect inside Avada and WPBakery.
  • Wrong social image output in some cases for various page builders.
  • Canonical URL for the dedicated HTML Sitemap page is now correct and no longer based on the post permalink structure.
  • Post/term details column sometimes not loading for authors and editors.
  • Issue causing TruSEO to sometimes not detect foreign languages correctly.
  • Issue where the “Focus Keyphrase in Introduction” check was not detecting content inside custom fields unless the shortcode block is used.

Version 4.5.6


  • SEO Preview Redesign – Our revamped preview better reflects how your pages may look like in search results and now also supports various Google rich results snippets, including products, FAQ pages and more.
  • Redirect Schedules – Add redirects for your pages ahead of time or schedule them for a specific date range thanks to our new scheduling ability.
  • Redirect CSV Importer – Import redirects directly into AIOSEO by uploading a CSV file.


  • Added Author SEO tab with additional settings for the Author SEO (E-E-A-T) addon.
  • Added support for PHP 8.3.
  • Bumped the minimum required WordPress Core version to 5.3.


  • ProfilePage schema error because “mainEntity” property is missing.